Dixon, Missouri, is in Pulaski County, and is 17 miles from Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. A pleasant country drive from I-44 to Hwy 28 towards town.
History of Dixon
Dixon, Missouri was born a railroad town - a boom town, in fact, because of a fortunate meeting of time, place, and need. Its fortune at first depended largely on the Frisco Railroad, which continues to be a strong factor in making this small city a busy trade center today. Although a number of nearby settlements older than Dixon had survived the Civil War period, the first large settlement near the town itself was a camp consisting of about 100 workers who were "working on the railroad" in 1867-1868. Reportedly this camp was located on what is widely remembered now as the Bennett Jones property just west of Dixon, approaching the intersection with Highway 133. Later, the workers moved into town.
In 1869, Dixon was surveyed and laid out on both sides of the trackes by Frisco surveyor, Milton Santee, who originally came from Dixon, Illinois, suggested naming the new Missouri city after an Indian trader who had donated the land which became Dixon, Missouri.
John Dixon was an interpreter for local Indians and counsel to U.S. Army officers assigned to the southern Illinois area. The Winnebago Indians call Dixon "Nada-chu-ra-sak" due to his long flowing white hair. For many years after Dixon donated the land for the village in Missouri, the Indians passing through the area would stop and visit the elderly gentleman.
A well-preserved photograph of John Dixon hangs in the Dixon City Hall today.
The Dixon area has continued to prosper and grow at a steady pace. Today - more than 125 years later - Dixon is a pleasant, progressive community that is a "hometown place" to more than 1500 citizens.
Spread comfortably around the top of a rolling Ozark foothill, Dixon offers a unique blend of modern lifestyles and old-fashioned country living.
Dixon boasts a premiere school system, a Country Mart, The Dixon Pilot Newspaper, and is home base for Gascosage Electric Cooperative. Our resturants in and around Dixon are Homeplate Bar & Grill, El Bronco Mexican Resturant, Di Trapani's Italian Bistro, The Wooden Nickle and Shepherds Drive-In (seasonal).
Dixon residents are fortunate to have two community banking facilities to serve their financial needs. The State Bank of Dixon and the Community Bank of Dixon (a branch of Maries County Bank) are both staffed by progressive and supportive civic leaders.
The city has two parks, one reserved for family reunions and children's playgrounds, the other for sporting events like youth soccer, baseball, softball, and family recreation.
Dixon also has a modern 60-bed nursing home, a magnificent country club with one of the most beautiful 9-hole golf courses in mid-Missouri, more than 20 churches of all faiths, and several active service clubs and fraternal organizations.